Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Signs that you have become an adult

So, I was talking to someone at the pool today, and all of the sudden I felt old. Here are signs that you are now officially an adult:

  • You realize that having a mortgage isn't scary, it's a way of life
  • You feel the air conditioner and think, "I wonder how much this is costing me right now?"
  • The new retail chain going up in your neighborhood isn't exciting because it's fun to shop there, but because you know it will make the value of your house go up
  • You start calculating in your head the earliest it will be before you have kids, and save accordingly
  • Your conversations with your best friend turn from "That guy is so cute" or "That party was so awesome" to "I did ____ at work" or "I saved this much money by..."
  • "Parties" on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are now "Networking opportunities"
  • An hour and a half drive is considered close by
  • "Boys suck" cakes are replaced in number by wedding registries (only funny to the Delta Gamma girls of South Tower '03)

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