Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Biggest Small Town

I have never had a city that I called "home." Technically, I have lived in Rock Hill the longest. After 2 years in my house, I have lived here for a grand total of 7 years. But I graduated high school from Clover, got my accent from Gainesville, GA, was born in Simpsonville, and opened my first bank account in Inman. On top of that, I have worked in Charlotte for a year and a half.

So I don't have a hometown.

But everything that I imagine about hometowns is this. Smiling faces, running into a neighbor wherever you go, and feeling as if you know the entire city (whether you do or not). And, to me, this is Charlotte.

The writers of Sex and the City refer to New York City as the 5th lady. They had a love affair so deep with the city that SJP calls it her "boyfriend" in one of the episodes. And yet, Charlotte beat out New York as the best city to live in. And it's easy to see why.

In a city that is expected to exceed one million within 3 years, it is easy to find your home. There are meetups, running clubs, social clubs, churches, and other interest organizations, all dedicated to helping you find your way in the biggest small town ever. Not to mention, a quick search on facebook can find you at least 3 groups where you can scream, "I'm new to the city. Be my friend!"

But I seem to forget, and take for granted, the extrovert nature that consumes me. While it is easy to make that connection, it is also easy to have a hard time finding it. You want to go to a meetup, but they already know each other. I recently found a photography meetup... a cool way for me to get to try out the camera with a wide range of expertise before heading out to Africa... but I even found that I was sitting there going, "What if they're mean to me???"

But, here's what makes us better than New York. As transient as this city is, with as much to do as there is, with as many people as there are... it is still friendly. Striking up a conversation in the grocery store isn't unheard of. Going to church and asking for help isn't weird. And, although nothing comes CLOSE to the real Broadway, our city does a pretty kick-A job of forming great symphonies, getting in great musicals and plays, and even has a pretty great skyline... for a small town.


Things to do in Charlotte to meet people:
  • Join a meetup
  • Go to CharlotteONE: (Christian)
  • Join the Jewish Community Center (Jewish)
  • Get involved with Sports Connection

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, we won't be mean to you at the photo meetup :-D It's quite possibly one of the most relaxed groups I've belonged to, outside of helping to lead the group, anyway ;-). But seriously, we're pretty chill, just thought I'd let you know that.

    Have a good Monday :-D



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