Monday, November 17, 2008

Music on the Greenway

I love it when I'm actually proud of my photography. Like, honestly, for real, really proud. One is the famous (or infamous) foot shot from Africa.

Last night, I was able to shoot at Grubbs' Music on the Greenway. I took pictures of one of the bands featured on Grey's Anatomy, which was definitely exciting since that's my favorite show. But I also shot for the first time, possibly ever, in completely manual mode. Very tricky, but once I had the settings down, I was golden for the rest of the night. So fun.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Because people are asking me to blog about photography

Really. That's just insanity. It's like that was the original point of the blog or something.

I had a few requests for my blog last night or for more pictures or something along the lines of, "You haven't posted any pictures lately. That's not like you." Wow. People care. I'm touched.

So, here's the status of things. I still reeeeally really really (can I say really?) want to start shooting weddings. There are a couple of things that I need first before I can do this. One is a shoe-mount flash, and another is a faster telephoto. About $800 right there. So for now, I want to do a couple of engagement and bridal portrait sessions. The problem is, I have no idea where to start. So if you happen to be reading this, just got engaged, and are looking for a (very) affordable e-session or bridal portrait photographer, talk at me. :-)

But for now, here are a couple of great 'ens I got from playing with the kids on Halloween. Love 'em!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It makes me sad...

I learned something from the movie Mean Girls. I know, I know, but stay with me.

I learned that the reason girls put other girls down is because they are so insecure with themselves, that they have to find something wrong in others. Most people who know me well, know that I have a huge insecurity when it comes to blondes, particularly guys leaving me for blondes. It's this horrible thing that I still haven't been able to shake even after 3 years of working things out with God and friends. Now, granted, I have phenomenal blonde friends that I love and adore, but when it comes to my man being anywhere near one, I would have to punch him in the face. Seriously.

So, it occurs to me that this frequently happens with young girls. I'm insecure about my hair color, so I bash on the girl's intelligence or drive. But with grown men, this doesn't often happen. Except in the world of politics.

It has made me so sad in the past few months to see the mudslinging going on in politics. Not from Obama and McCain, or their Campaign Managers, but from the Christians that seem to cling so hard and fast to their Bibles. Our McCain is perfect, they cry, as they do everything to rip Obama to shreds.

But what saddens me most is that as we have been distracting ourselves through this hatred, we are missing the point as to what we are doing most... dividing the Body. Things that should be disagreements held in civility, that do not change the Truth, have now come to a head with bashing, name-calling, and finger-pointing.

I personally voted for Obama. Not because I'm pro-choice and not because I'm African American, but because I feel like we need things to move and turn around in this country, and frankly, McCain reminded me way too much of Bush.

But half of you, just now when I said that, called me a non-Christian. You said that I'm for killing babies. You said that I'm anti-gun. You might have even called me a Socialist.

It seems to me that the devil is getting his way when we do that. At what point are we going to trust God to get things done His way?

Monday, November 3, 2008

I am a planner. This isn't news for anyone who has known me for more than 5 minutes. I also am a control freak. Also not news. And I have trust issues. Again. No news.

So, when a guy that I had just met told me that everything will be ok, I did not trust him.

Boy, was I wrong.

Friday night was incredible. I want to relive it. In fact, I do, over and over in my head. We got there about half an hour late, which seemed like a sure sign things weren't going to go well. Jason had scheduled me alongside him all night long, so after we sat in the hall by the VIP entrance for an hour without a single person coming in, I was a little scared to go into the main room. Then, we went up to the front door, passing through the nearly empty bar. Again, this is all making me a little nervous.

And then the chaos hit. By 11 o'clock, there was a line around the block, even though I had no idea because we were taking in money as fast as our hands could move. When I finally took a call outside, I was informed that the line was so long and there was such a long wait that people were going home. As much as I hate that we didn't reach our attendance potential because of that, it is also a pretty heady thing that I was involved with something that was so huge people were being turned away. I mean, while some Charlotte bars have to fake long lines (*cough* Suite *cough*) ours was a reality. Two floors packed to the brim with people. It's a good thing there was no fire.

The most fun I had from the night, I will not lie, was getting to know the Guys With Ties. I had come to their first Halloween party two years ago, so I already knew OF some of the guys, but it was really cool to get to talk to them a little while. If it weren't for the fact that half of them are already taken, I'd probably have found the future husbands for a handful of friends. These are fun guys with great hearts, and it was nice to feel so protected by all of them.

In true Amy style, I want to go ahead and let you all know how you can help Guys With Ties. This year, Guys With Ties has been selected as the beneficiary of the Bartender's Ball. Make sure to get your tickets before November 20th to save yourself a little cash!

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