Friday, August 29, 2008

Let football season begin...

Last night, my status update about SEC being the best football conference got Clemson fans all up in arms. I was greeted this morning by several updates talking about how ACC is the best.

Now, I will admit, Clemson currently has bragging rights over USC in terms of being the better team. You are ranked higher (well, you're ranked) and you beat us last year.

But please, do not act like you have even remotely the schedule as us. Do not act like if our record turns up worse than yours, it means you are a better team. Yes, we do have some "gimmes", such as Wofford, but do not try to act like you are in the better football conference.

Exhibit A: An SEC team is the most recent national champion, but the most recent ACC national champion is 2001 with Miami (to add insult to injury, Clemson doesn't even play Miami in standard rotation. USC, however, plays both LSU and FL)
Exhibit B: An SEC team has won the national championship two years in a row.
Exhibit C: The current number 1 team is an SEC team
Exhibit D: There are currently 4, count them FOUR SEC teams in the top 10. There is only one ACC team.

So, as you all are trying for bragging rites again this year, just remember that you might beat US at the end of the season, but don't even act like you could compete in the same conference as the big boys of the SEC.

Let football season begin...

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