Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The most wonderful time of the year is back...

That right, folks, not Christmas (although, almost as expensive) but football season.

Starting next week, I will be breaking my garnet out, clearing my Saturday schedule, and resting my voice during the week. That's right, it's a CAROLINA GAMEDAY.

This is also the time of the year where we, the most loyal fans of the NCAA (and anyone who remembers the lines at the Russell House even when we were 0-14 knows) have hopeful dreams of that SEC title. Where we puff out our chests and tell people that we will be top 3 this year. And where we hope (hope) that Steve Spurrier can prove that he can recruit a quarterback whose skill matches his kicker's. (Or, can we please at least consider Succop for quarterback? Just sayin'...)

Still, win or lose, know this. Come next Thursday, the campers will be out, everyone will break out their coolers, and all of the sudden Hand Picked will be running low on garnet earrings and necklaces.

So, here's a health carolina, here's to a Carolina FIRST DOWN, and here's to finding a scalper who will give you UGA tickets for $20 because you're in a black cocktail dress.


1 comment:

  1. ahhhh! i'm soooooo excited!
    whatcha wearing on day one?


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