Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life has changed so much in the past week, but I only have a 5-minute blog-time window.

I have a lot of news that I'm busting to tell, but most I know I can't tell publicly. At least not yet.

This weekend, we are the beneficiaries of the Guys with Ties Halloween party. This means that Jason, the president, and I have been non-stop on the phone with each other. He is very calm, cool, and collected... I, as a control freak, am trying to put all of my trust in a man I met a month ago. It's been very difficult, and I'm hoping he hasn't caught on to it. But on top of it all, I'm trying to plan a walk in 5 weeks. Normally these things are planned in 9 months, with a full committee, and lots of PR. And even then, first year events typically break even or lose money.

Then my personal life seems to be merging with my professional life more than usual. I used to do that all the time, and so I swore I never would again. But out of pure coincidence, I have found everything kind of coming together.

More to come later. Sit back. Grab some popcorn. Watch it all unfold.

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