Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It makes me sad...

I learned something from the movie Mean Girls. I know, I know, but stay with me.

I learned that the reason girls put other girls down is because they are so insecure with themselves, that they have to find something wrong in others. Most people who know me well, know that I have a huge insecurity when it comes to blondes, particularly guys leaving me for blondes. It's this horrible thing that I still haven't been able to shake even after 3 years of working things out with God and friends. Now, granted, I have phenomenal blonde friends that I love and adore, but when it comes to my man being anywhere near one, I would have to punch him in the face. Seriously.

So, it occurs to me that this frequently happens with young girls. I'm insecure about my hair color, so I bash on the girl's intelligence or drive. But with grown men, this doesn't often happen. Except in the world of politics.

It has made me so sad in the past few months to see the mudslinging going on in politics. Not from Obama and McCain, or their Campaign Managers, but from the Christians that seem to cling so hard and fast to their Bibles. Our McCain is perfect, they cry, as they do everything to rip Obama to shreds.

But what saddens me most is that as we have been distracting ourselves through this hatred, we are missing the point as to what we are doing most... dividing the Body. Things that should be disagreements held in civility, that do not change the Truth, have now come to a head with bashing, name-calling, and finger-pointing.

I personally voted for Obama. Not because I'm pro-choice and not because I'm African American, but because I feel like we need things to move and turn around in this country, and frankly, McCain reminded me way too much of Bush.

But half of you, just now when I said that, called me a non-Christian. You said that I'm for killing babies. You said that I'm anti-gun. You might have even called me a Socialist.

It seems to me that the devil is getting his way when we do that. At what point are we going to trust God to get things done His way?

1 comment:

  1. all i can say is thank you for this! also, will you consider posting it to your profile on facebook?? people need to read this!


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