Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random ramblings...

I couldn't pick just one thing to talk about today, so I will talk about all of them.

First of all, it has come to my attention that I'm poor. It also has come to my attention that I have gone out to eat every day this week, so that is perhaps the reason I am poor. It will be ramen or scrambled eggs for the rest of the week, my friends.

Secondly, I picked up a third and fourth job, possibly. I'm trying to see how many jobs I can collect that might or might not give me a paycheck at the end of the week.

Some of you might already know, I am a regular blog stalker of an amazing photographer, Scarlett Lillian. Today her post made me so excited. It was about how sometimes you meet a guy (or girl, technically) that you just have that instant connection with. I keep being reminded of that connection, lately.

This week has been a string of insults, and it's starting to wear on me a little. Through a friend, I met a group of people a while back. Since I'm not close to any of them, I sat back and observed a little. The genuine love and concern they have for each other amazes me. I remember in high school being asked to stay in the hotel room with the "popular" girls for a chorus trip. They were so sweet and nice, but I noticed they had the same problems that my group of friends had. Anyway, not that I'm saying this particular group does, but just hoping I don't have "grass is greener" syndrome. Still, I hope that my friends are all supporting each other the way this group is.

I'm taking a week off in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited, since my vacation this year wasn't really a vacation (when I went to Africa). I'm going to the beach with my family at the end of the week, but for the first few days I'll be in Charlotte doing what I want, which mainly means making small repairs on the house (the hardwood replacement is still on hold until the new year, unfortunately). But I'm also looking forward to doing some fun times photo shoots. There are a couple of series that I want to do that I'm pretty excited I'll have time to finish. I know, I'm a nerd.

I guess that completes everything. Oh, and I'm working from home for the rest of the night. Trying to get crap done that has taken way longer than I expected it to. :-P

1 comment:

  1. Ha, funny I've been going through my own grass is greener moments reflecting back on old times and old friends.


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